&i'll be by your side till the end
Friday, April 9, 2010


其实为了争取这个演出,我们都挣扎了很久,无论是老师还是学生,都考虑了很多。可是我们说要做,要做这个校内演出,我真的能说我们的选择是对的,因为我们那一时的坚定让我们得到很多很多。三个月的时间,比起翔鹰的八个月,真得很短可是我们都做到了。从改剧本,进行排戏,到彩排,到真正的演出,都一直持续的忙着,烦恼着。真得很不容易,至少对我来说是。我承认我不是一个很好的助导,有很多事我不会做,又没有计划好,就是让黄老师很不放心。我知道,我也很怕很担心,我只能说是我自己的领导能力,组织能力不够好。可是,我是真得很怕很担心怕输。这三个月里我都会睡觉前想一下怕输,下一步该怎么做,要做什么。虽然我们的道具看起来很少,可是真的有下不少苦功,尤其是服装方面,真的经历很多波折。很谢谢有同族的中四一直鼓励我,一直叫我不要这么有压力。我真得很感谢。有些时候,我做到觉得很累,当然会哭,很伤心,因为又被骂了一顿。很辛苦的三个月, 可是到了亚太那段时间,就开始看到我们其实真地在进步,我看到每个人都想认真地把这部戏搞好,突然让我很感动。这十二个人其实都在成长,我看得出来。我们从一开始,每个人只顾着自己的东西,不会在乎其他人,又喜欢说话,捣毁听我们的话,因为被痛骂而为剧组而哭,这些都包括很多很难忘而且很深刻的回忆,也不会有第二次的这种回忆。排戏, 从不满意很多小细节,到渐渐熟悉开始更出色,我很珍惜。其实,我真得蛮喜欢怕输,它的人是可以让我放心的,虽然偶尔会有些问题。前部分就比较慌乱,不是很好。可是每个人都很可爱,我也希望能让每个人留下很好的回忆。作为助导,我不是很清楚是不是真的成功了,可是我认为,我们都有尽力,真的有付出。我真得很希望,那些问题我都有帮你们解决,真的有帮到你们,让你们放心。对不起,我觉得对不起怕输, 如果你们真的学步到什么东西,真的对不起。 可是,现在想起以前,看到剧里的人,我还是有那股感动,那种欣慰, 那种只是相处过的人才会明白的感情。我真的真的希望你们都和我一样有这种感觉,珍惜这个感觉和我们的回忆,好还是坏,都是我们十四个人共同的回忆,所以是很珍贵的。

AIYOH i don't know why i wrote such a long post ah. i just had this sudden urge to write something. just this feeling lah. D: yeah so it's really quite sad.

i close my eyes, the flashback starts
[[x.angels smiles @ 8:09 AM .x]]


Thursday, March 19, 2009

好难相信,好难接受,好难继续生活。可是事实就是事实, 无法否定, 可是我发现翔鹰真得让人很怀念,很让人心有触动,很让人想起回忆,就引起很多很多的情感。相信很多人也一样这么觉得。可是真的结束了,事实后继续人生。演出前,确实有些辛苦吧,成绩掉落, 每天晚归又晚睡,一定让父母担心了。可是,我发觉,我每天越过这样的生活,我越喜欢上这样的生活。我喜欢,我真的喜欢。
喜欢,大家一起放学后留下来的时候(monday from 2.15pm), 真得让人想念
喜欢,排戏使用的eagles nest
喜欢,排戏过后会有pillow fight
真得又太多太多的喜欢,说不完。也有太多太多的不舍。和你们创造这些美好的回忆是很幸运很开心,可是同时也很让人难过伤心,因为回忆已是过去,无法从新再来。演出前真得很怕很怕,没什么信心。我知道这样是不对的。排练了这么久,应该有把握了。但不知为什么,心里就是有恐惧,进剧院那天也一样。担心,好怕,失落,恐惧只是一些感受。看到舞台,站在舞台,很不一样。就很赶,一直在rush。演出前,已开始在倒数,很快着剩下那几天了。就发觉这一切都将要结束了。不对,是必须结束。如果我有选择,我宁可不要它这么快结束。有好多话,我想再次对你们说。有好多回忆,我还要一起创造。有好多事,要交待的更清楚。 可是,没有时间了。我们的8months以到此结束 真的没有了,完了,its over its gone...
演出后,哭得很惨。我认为我们尽力了,我们努力了,我们拼了。 演了我们的戏后,一开始有点麻木,呆呆的,模糊的,后来却联想到演出后。演出之前,想演出后的事。演出后,却想演出前的事,希望时光倒流。真地说得好。
不要多了睡眠, 只会让我感到生活不充实。
泪不是因为遗憾而流,是舍不得吧。舍不得你们毕业,舍不得你们走开,舍不得你们“抛弃”我们,舍不得你们一走了之。我要你们都承诺,答应我会常常回来,会记得我们。你们说好,会尽量。 我希望不只是尽量,而是确保,这样可以吗?我相信你们。请让我继续信任下去。遵守承诺好吗?做我最最最最最最最爱的学长学弟学妹们,朋友们,伙伴们。 我会记着你们每一个人, 也会记着每一个细节。
回来,comeback. we need you. cds needs you.
最后,翔鹰 2011。我要。可能吗?很多人说:很难, 真得很难。我不知道, 可是我还是很想相信翔鹰会继续飞翔, 继续辉煌,继续流传。我们就继续这个信念吧(: 有时候那一丝丝的希望也是很大的鼓励。那么,就相信,翔鹰会再次展翅高飞。坚持,翔鹰会仍旧辉煌。 希望,翔鹰会继续流永久传着。
I believe so.
This is a freakishly freaky long post :DDD gahhhh I finally posted after months and months. YAY ahahahas(: anyway cds jiayou ba(:
its hard to move on, but there'll be people there for us
its difficult to go on , but there's hope
its exhausting to leave everything behind, but eventually it will be okay
and i won't cry anymore. i will be strong. (:

i close my eyes, the flashback starts
[[x.angels smiles @ 6:35 AM .x]]


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

HEYYY!!!!! going to china.tmr.seriously tmr. midnight. TMR. OMG! sooo shocked cannnn like how can it be soo fast la!!! super excited!!!! gonna miss u guys not 2A-ians or 2B or 2C...we 3 classes de only one going to beijing and zhenzhou! mannnnn veryyy happpy and exciteddd tink dcannot sleep today laa. ohh yupps i getting class tee tmr yeah! GREEN!!!!! me FAV colour now!!!! cannnt waittt WOW! 2A RAWKS yeah! of course 6A`06 and 1J`07 rocks too(((: obviously la cos got ME! woots! hhehehehehe juz kidding! ahhhh packing now.....super siann and de clothes all so thick arrrr! so difficult fold.....

yeaaa gonna take loadddds of pictures!!!! especially of the `mushrooms clan`08--more info----established `08 by hiuu(: & `bubble A.K.A claudiaaaaa koh (P.S jkjkjk okayyy?)--made up of mushroom hair ppl----has members worldwide and in school(:---about 9 in 2Anything!!!!---interested ppl pls cut ur hair short---membership free! WOW! cool mannn! =ppp

heh. okayyy sorrry after dat zihigh-ing thing.....`mushroom clan motto--mushrooms unite!!! heheheehehehe sorrryyy......very fun to do tat.... ohh yea and have to finish hw lehhhhhhhhh so super siannnn cann. especially Dand T! aghhhhhh very fan over how to draw and stufff wadeva la......anthing oso can......heh yeppps and cant wait to see delia feiting and lynds as we go outtt sometime....SOON and oso ahahaha go with gui er lunchhhh! oops its in junee nvmmm i plann super early(: kayy gotta go back to packing stuff

``BYE ;D
p.s to my laptop, dramas, tv, hp <333,>
welome to my colourful life(:

i close my eyes, the flashback starts
[[x.angels smiles @ 1:07 AM .x]]


Friday, February 15, 2008

LYNDSYEYYY!!! as the last ever thing i do before u move, i'll sign dis contract stuff, JUST FOR U !!!! K!

I, Au Hiu Sheung, will allow lyndsey to be my official loanshark for chasing after my blog posts. i will postpost and fufill my duty as a person in debt. i owe her a total of a million posts and if i dont post, she has the right to spray paint on my blog and change my blogskin.


willl miss u loads! seriously1 thanks for allll u did and how nice u were!!! u are still a besttest friend! willl misss u laaaa......feeling miserabe liaooo.....
ahhhhhhh u must cme visit me and me 2 okayyy??? den we can happily tok crap again! rmb to sms me in this peiriod u have no internet and home phone access k? hope we can go out someday in MArch holidayyy(: so ya lorr, waitttt for meee!!!!!

lots of lovee, hiuuu(:
muz baozhong hor! BYEBYE!!!! *sniff*

*yeppp and i owe u a valentines day card!

i close my eyes, the flashback starts
[[x.angels smiles @ 8:38 AM .x]]


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

YO PPL hahas new updates........soooooooooo umma start skool lerhhhhhhhh TOO-A-OH8 wooots okay.......den arrr register 1 so suai....always no.2 did el presentation yesterday sooooooo glad den todae el lesson slack lor waha den today chi lesson give back xi you ji test papers yayyyyy got 82 sooooo happy kays den we watch dis kong zi thing teach some ke wen.....aft. watching soooo tired lorhhh...den P.E sooo sian....listen to teacher talk SEL for half an hour den anyhow scold minli =(((((((( stupid la den onli got like 15 mins or so to actually play.....den for SEL discuss noticeboard stuff den tmr muz reach skool at 7????!!!! ahhhhhh somemore tmr no common test can go skool at 8.25.....aiyaaaa nvm la muz jiayouu!!!=D want to help out in show and share thing tooo.....=pppp hehes Ohhhh and class teee......its super cooool=D
batch meeting today not good la......some bad things happened wont sae lar den CANT BLIEVE yingxinghui is on FRI sooooo short notice laaaaa den me and melanie like wahhhhhh so faster decide on our game den change some stuffs soooo sorry to vigi for like changing mafan her. den got por!!!! Yayyys den more fun but if say no por den no full marks veri houlianpi lor scared sec1 scold =p ahhhh ya went to 1j classroom todaeee den see they alll verui quiet went with kenglui and gui er was like staring at them through window until so long in de end go inside and like sae hiii we past year 1jay and sae muz enthu win OCA oustanding class award and other award den like got one sec 1 guy was like YO den i was wuahhhh shocked dunnoe y but he quite friendly SO rare lor alll sec1 dis year so like da dan and rude =ppppp we better batch lorss xD hehes den in the end we ask got any CD ppl so saddd lor nobodyyyy =( Cd so fun no 1 join haiiiiii anyway we saee bye lor cos need go back up so saee jiayouuu to dem dem one evil sec1 guy was like good riddance soooo bad lorr y got so evilll juniors? so sadddd
after skool ate ice cream wiv melanie, jing lei dun wan she on diet =p den later send melanie to mrt station den fetch bro go home....dad coming back from hk den mum go fetch now me and bro at home onli....lolls den chiong-ing hist. hw tmr got MATHS TEST!!!!! how????? nv study diee lerrr i scared very hard lor den next week got stupid hist. test and el test soooo mani test laaaa siannnn cant wait for weekend.......practiced piano. later got chinese tuition at 7.30 very sian lor got maths test tmr still need go chi. tuition.......not fun one soooo gotta go, chiong hist. update next time =pppppp
BYEEES co= (look from right side)
=D wish me gd luck for maths test tmr....

i close my eyes, the flashback starts
[[x.angels smiles @ 2:33 AM .x]]


Monday, November 26, 2007

hi all!!!! wooo another post hehe......i'm now in Hong Kong WOOTS! umm basically nth much done as i juz came yesterday.....was wondering wad my relatives would sae when i cut my hair but it was okay i guess. den dunno why felt a little like vomitting yesterday on the aeroplane...hmm maeb cos not enough sleep.....haha! den my bro was like aiyooo y not big aeroplane, den can play game....diao lorrrrx.andddd errr did a little shopping yesterday toox, at first cos me bro got no clothes to wear as all too short lerhh......den my mum was like GOSH my bro finally grew......den i was like ya hor hahhahahahaha cos he really looked funny =p so we went to times square but headed back to SOGO......but price there arrr too ex le even though clothes nice larrr. so ar we go to JUSCO hehe yayxxxx cheaperr stuff den went to BALENO and places to get him some jackets and pants........den i was kinda sian lor den i go walk one big round cos nth to do den juz explore......den found a shop called I.S.O den saw some nice stuff there so i pulled my mum there......hahahaha den bought some stuff.....den later went to a random place didnt see e name and saw a cute bag so told my mum.......after we go upstairs as my dad found some pants that were okay for my bro so we started picking......my bro like wateva la den my mum and me see the size all so small all for like 6 yaears 7years but 13 years oso very skinny......and pants very long like my height......so cannot lorr den we try dig deep den found some pants that might fit so ask bro to try lor den he try and try like how mani den he was like can we go now......damn sian....so we like okay la a few pants can already so buy lor and we were finally done......

DINNER TIME hahahahah we went to the foodcourt downstairs.....(did not noe theere were food courts in hk -.-'') and ate a two person meal share wiv my bro den soooooo much la, one small bowl of udon and a rice bowl one beef one pork and got two chicken sticks packed with drinks.........i eat the udon already not hungry den eat 1/4 of beef bowl full liao lerr so i eat all the beef and no eat rice...like very waste rite? but REALLY BIG PORTION lehhhh!!!!!! i couldnt even finish the drink lor.......and lyndsey NO it is not becos i have small appetite or sth!!!!!=ppp
so eat ler den we go my cousins hse, played piano and not much larr

kk so i'll end here post 2 weeks later as tmr i will be going LA LOS ANGELES WOOOOOOOOO
~~~~~~~~hahahahahhahaa pretty excited!!!! hhehehehehehehehe okiee laaarr enjoy hols even though i sae so mani times lerr......=DDDDDD

miss u all lerhh(lynds, ft, delia, cds ppl and 1Jpeeps)
1J RAWKSSSSS!!!!!! woooo

i close my eyes, the flashback starts
[[x.angels smiles @ 6:23 PM .x]]


Thursday, November 8, 2007

sorry!!! i was so tired i juz went to sleep! den yesterday i not free.....k now i blog kay???haha my new post since 6 months.......i think no one will come see lerh.....anyway wanted to blog about tuesdayy!!! YAY!!!! went out with feiting, delia and lynds kinda fun even though only for 5 hours. well.......it didnt seem like 5h onli like 3h....so short:(((( haiiiiii cos only set off at 2.40m pm marhhh.....cos ar suddenly sae got cca(not really suddenly lar last cca meeting noe lerh, last week lar.), but den we plan for dis day go out very long lerh cos ar i everyday like got something....really sorry kayyyy!!!! kay dennn lets talk bout dat day.....
at first cca was at 12pm la den we all prac for huansonghui.... de peng you ge den we all nv prac enough la so we all muz do again coz li lao ban sae cannot aiiiiii cos we sing not loud enough i think. den after that we go pas prac den our formation totally changed lor den i become first row le.....siannnn but then it went okay la den we all write why we choose the song den use lyrics come out with some stuff hehe. den actually passed den we all just go den wen go out le so happy like go into sunshine after weeks of darkness like that funny barhh...den me and lynds so worried cos we were super late so we go out le den run all the way a bit stop a bit stop la.
den we go into mrt station see feiting i guess she seemed angry but she sae nvm. den delia go le wiv her cousin. so we all around 3 den set off lor so reach vivo de shi hou already like 3.20 sth. then we all went to the arcade to find delia, okayyy after going to buy a piece of bread for lunch hehe. along the way lynds was like talking about delia go arcade..... den we all like discussing......conversation goes like this: huh?? i cant imagine delia playing arcade de yang zi cant imagine. hahahha den she like win then yayyyyyyyyy is it? hahha den suddenly sae about me.....cant imagine me playing at arcade den i of course sae why cannot larhhh aiya den we reach le...... saw delia back facing.... actually still wearing school stuff-pe shorts but still go in. me and lynds still wearing drama tee. but she wear black shorts.
den we all wanted to scare delia den quietly open door den we rush towards delia but den her aunt tell her and her cousin look to us den she turn den i was like the only one cong to her......diao.....after that we go and play the table hockey thingie lar dunno wad it called den me and lynds pair up.... den delia aunt help us pay YAYYYYY my and lynds win den we play another game den me and lynds win den after that pair with feiting den get the best record ever i tink 16 or sth den paired wiv delia soooooooooooooooooooooooo fun !!!!! haha dats why delia so fan-natic on arcade hehehhehehe.....
after that lynds decided to want to change so i oso go wiv her and we took like 15 mins changing no telling reason why......xD after that we went to look around we thought of buying sth to drink or eat while standing but ended up at pacific coffee company(PCC). me and lynds eat gelato ice cream den delia and fei ting share oreo cheesecake and latte........me flavour strawberry and vanilla lynds strawberry and choco mint YUMMMM=DDDD actually we were like thinking for very long den decide to buy from PCC walking from ben and jerrys to PCC to haegen daz hahhaha den we go sit on a swing like bench couldnt swing cos got sth stop it from moving den we took pics happy eating and den delia sit like boy liao cannot hor! hahahha den delia and feiting alll wan to take pic of lynds den after that lynds got a bit angry den we eat le den go..........cos lynds angry den we all didnt really properly walk ler den juz go to starbuck's go find delia aunt lor. den we go the playgroung and play le like kiddy. we go play with the see saw like thing and a bit pai seh cos i saw two small kids looking like want to play......zzzzz den play crocodile it was a primary school game like when u jump from somewhere to womewhere if u get caught by de croc u hv to be the croc kinda cute game i rmb 6a girls all got play one heeee
den play till we happy den got sit down den lynds not angry ler la den delia bro dylan got some paper den we all go fold paper aeroplanne and fold frog haaaa i learn from teacher fei ting ang teacher dylan hahahaha but we didnt get to throw them from up9 at first wanted to go to the highest lvl throw down but den need eat dinner lerhhh,..... oh ya den we all agree to eat dinner wiv delia's aunt after asking parents that wass sooooooo difficult. lynds mum suddenly sae did not noe lynds go out wiv us after cca den fei ting go send sms to her cca maam instead of her mum diao den we were like laughing all the way den took a pic of delia and lynds heeeee=))))
we headed to sushi tei for dinner den at first we wanted to split table cos one of her cousin was acting cool go and wear wat leather jacket when so hot den we call him act cool buay cool (ACBA)
hahhaa den in the end we sae nvm like ma fan her aunt so we juz same table lor. den arrr we all order wat we wan lynds and feiting same thinng salmon mini rice bowl la den i eat nabeyaki udon den delia and her family share some food la dn we all eat happy happy. when food haven come we all play pay den go take outdelia shoes den put at side of table but after that give her back. when food come we all very scared okay feiting and lynds were lynds la cos she need go home by 7.30 pm den we all tell our parents we going home latest 7.30 pm but when food come 7 plus liao how to finish so in the end we all 8 pm go take mrt home den 9 reach home la..... but we actually all agreed to pay for ourselves but her aunt sae CANNOT so we all try to juz go but cannot delia suddenly become very fierce and shout at us keep de moneey so kong bu scare me le den we all rush to mrt and den on the way home sleep a bit. den lynds dad send me home thankxxx lynds.
kk thats the end of e long trip??? hahahah hope u enjoyed e blog entry journey !!!!! thxxx pls come again!!!!!! kkk jk jk so sad no take nea hahhahahahahaha next time must lor!!!!!!hehehehehe feiting watc out muahahahahahhaha!!!!! i become like lynds hehehehhehe kk la thx for reading and delia dun angry me ler i really sorry kkkkkkk??? dui bu qi la !=)
bye and see ya next time i blog........maeb next year? jkjk haha oh and i going holiday from
26 november to 26 december
byeeeeeeee =o)

i close my eyes, the flashback starts
[[x.angels smiles @ 2:34 AM .x]]


[NaME] AUhiusheung
[School] TEMASEKian

.: Likes:.




.: Hobbies:.
DRAWing :D
SMILing :D
TALKing crap:D
WATCHing Dramas and anime :D
BADminton :D

.: Hates:.
HOMEwork X:
CLIMBing hills X:




March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
March 2009
April 2010


.::Tag Me::.